Join 2000+ people who have eliminated their pain!

Drug free, personalized therapy delivered in the comfort of your home.
Not sure which therapy is the best for you? Let our therapists advise

Screening is designed to discuss your treatment options objectively, no obligation

Covered by

Conquer your pain and improve function

Neck Pain / Injury

Shoulder Pain / Injury

Upper Back Pain/ Injury

Lower Back Pain / Injury

Choose your therapist to guide your recovery

You: enjoy at home

Easy to use, play and recover

Your dedicated therapist

remotely monitors and guides you
Discuss treatment options with one of our licensed therapists

Often available within 24 Hrs, no obligation

Get started with these easy steps

Get matched with a dedicated therapist

Get your Virtual Reality headset to your doorstep for FREE

Meet your therapist every week for an online personalized session

Have fun using your VR headset to perform your treatment plan

Get matched with a dedicated therapists

Get your Virtual Reality headset to your doorstep for FREE

Meet your therapist every week for an online personalized session

Have fun using your VR headset to perform your treatment plan

Why XRHealth therapy is right for you

  • One on one remote online sessions with a therapist. Pandemic safe.
  • Easy to stay on track with training using our fun & immersive experiences.
  • Track your recovery progress through real data and discover what works best for you.
Talk to one of our therapists about your treatment options

Often available within 24 Hrs, no obligation

Use your insurance or pay an affordable flat fee

Most Medicare plans with a secondary, cover your entire cost. You’ll pay nothing.

Pay the same amount you would pay at any other clinic for remote therapy. Not a penny more.

You won’t be charged until after your visit is completed. Headset and Shipping are absolutely free.

Often available within 24 Hrs

Join others who have already taken control of their pain

Virtual Reality is clinically proven for back and neck pain relief.

Schedule today with one of our expert therapists

Conquer your pain and get your life back!

Often available within 24 Hrs