The Top Stressors of 2022, and How to Cope

It’s no secret that the world is a stressful place. In 2022, a few things are likely to cause stress for people. From political instability to economic uncertainty, this article will discuss the top stressors of the year and how to cope with them.

Politics and economics

Political instability and the current political climate has created division and fractures in relationships and left many uncertain about their future. This can cause undue stress, leading people down unhealthy paths if they let it go unmanaged. People can cope with political instability by taking care of their mental health and being mindful of their feelings each day.

The economy has been in a state of flux for quite some time, and 2022 has the potential to be even worse. With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, many jobs are at risk of being replaced. This leads to a lot of stress and anxiety for people who are worried about their future. The economy has also not fully recovered from the pandemic, and people are still feeling the effects of this globally. One way that people can cope with economic uncertainty is by saving money wherever they can and preparing for tough times ahead.

Climate change

The effects of climate change are becoming more and more apparent, which is causing a lot of stress for people worldwide. With increased natural disasters, floods, and droughts, it’s hard to know what the future holds. Staying informed about the latest news and preparing for emergencies are a couple of ways to cope with this type of stress.

Pandemic burnout

Even after two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has people on edge. It seems like there is a new development every day, and it’s hard to keep up. The stress of it all can be too much for some people, and they end up developing severe mental health symptoms if they let it go too long.

Burnout is characterized by physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Those suffering from burnout might feel like they can’t do anything right, and everything may seem like a struggle. They may feel irritable and hopeless. In addition, burnout can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, and fatigue.

Self-care is essential for those experiencing burnout. Getting enough sleep and exercise and taking breaks when needed are other ways to manage the stress of pandemic burnout.

Using virtual reality to cope with stress

Virtual reality (VR) can be an extremely effective way to deal with stress. It can help people escape from the problems and pressures of their everyday lives, providing a sense of relaxation and calm.

The immersive VR environments help people relax and focus their thoughts on positive things. Some environments are designed for those who suffer from anxiety disorders or phobias. Virtual reality can also help people with other conditions, such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and addiction.  Other VR environments may be suitable for everyone, such as those that help with relaxation and mindfulness techniques. It provides a safe and controlled environment for patients to deal with their problems, and it can help them learn new coping mechanisms.

If you would like to learn more about how virtual reality can help your patients supplement their treatment with mindfulness practices, contact us to set up a demo session and answer any questions you may have.

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