Kelsey Downing

Kelsey Downing earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree in 2016 from Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC.

Kelsey Downing earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree in 2016 from Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC. Since then, she has been working in a variety of settings. From outpatient, acute care, and home health she has gained a wealth of knowledge. Additionally, she has sought out further certification in Parkinson’s disease treatment, concussion management, and lymphedema management. She continues to be driven to learn and refine her skills to improve patient care. She is currently licensed in the states of MD, NV, UT, CA, CO, and NM and is ready to help patients across the country.

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Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy from University of Michigan-Flint

Years in Practice: 10

Education: Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work from Grand Valley State University

Years in Practice: 14

Education: Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Eastern Michigan University 

Years in Practice: 19